Cloning Gene Therapy and the coming medical revolution

As he chats with the young mother, the doctor flicks a cotton swab into the mouth of her infant son, he inserts the sample into a machine, which extracts DNA from the mucus cells and compares it with the genetic material on a dime – size chip. Minutes later a computer printer begins to

Trp to the nearest medical facility

If you suffer from Asthma and happen to get dumped by your girl friend, you could end up in the emergency room because you check your Facebook. At least, that's what happened to a young man. Because he was dumped, the young man's ex-girl friend unfriended him. The man created a second profile on Facebook

5 Ways Social Media Can Improve Your Medical Practice

Today’s social media networks are no longer about idle chatting with other medical professionals or patients. There are exciting new ways to tap into the power of social media, which will improve your overall reach and contribute to the success of your practice. Social media can provide additional value to you and your medical

How Should Hospital Employees Perform ESI Registration?

Employee State Insurance (ESI) is a scheme which offers health insurance to employees who are working in a company. The scheme also provides medical benefits to the families of employees who are registered with ESI. The following details the procedure for ESI registration for people who are working in hospitals. Any employer who runs a

How Did Health Care Costs Get So High?

Let's get a little historical point of view on American wellness treatment. To do that, let's count on the American civil war age. Because war dated strategies and also the carnage brought upon by modern tools of the period combined to trigger horrible results. Most of the deaths on both sides of that war

Guidelines To The Presence Of Doctors Online

In this modern era, all services can be found online. People find it easy to go on the internet to get a fair idea that could help them in making decisions suited for all possible scenarios. For example, when a person tries to find a hospital specialized in diabetic treatments, the first step taken

Different Types Of Storage Systems For Healthcare

A storage system is essential for every business including Healthcare sector. The professionals in health industry need storage racks to archive records of their patients as well as storage of the medicines. Storage racking of every health care sector is different depending on the accessibility, capacity and layout. Supermarket racking allows you efficient arrangement of

Best Paint Shades for Hospital Walls

It is well known that room colors influence human behavior. Several studies have proved that our moods and emotions are affected by the surrounding colors. Some colors offer a smoothing effect while some have chances to remain aggressive. No matter, you are designing a hospital or clinic, ensure to add perfect colors to your

Why People use Mobile Apps for Healthcare?

Advanced technology has started to dominate even healthcare industry. Several developments have reached the market. It has become a grand success too. One of the most convenient and latest technology development in the healthcare sector is mobile applications for doctors. It is a common platform that serves patients and doctors. In the recent days, more

Modern Automation and Technology in Hospital Industry

Healthcare industry is shifting towards automation systems. The modern automation system remained as a part of travel and banking industries for years. The health care industry is slowly shifting towards automation technology. It helps their facilities to offer quality care and run smoothly. Sri Devi Hospital has several modern facilities. They focus on integrating

How Massage Helps Hospitalized Persons?

Massage is not only a relaxation and rejuvenation treatment but also serves for hospitalized persons. Sri Devi Hospital recommends massage therapies from River Day Spa for their patients. Touch therapy like reflexology and massage is playing an important role in hospitals around the world. Hospitals in Britain are using massage therapy along with conventional

What are the Benefits of Cloud-based Hospital Information Management System?

Some industries like hospitality industry remain active and fiercely competitive. The business owners keep changing their structure, management style and design to offer best services to customers. In hospitals, the patients act as customers. It is necessary to offer them right treatment and services to keep them satisfied. If you disappoint patients in form